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Migraines in Children

Posted by: Marcelle

It is hard to believe that children could have migraine headaches.  Migraines in Children is a reality!  As Dorothy said to Toto, “I don’t think we are in Kansas anymore”.  And in the real world, children do get migraines.  I had a young mother bring in her 9 year old daughter the other day.  Lets call her Anna, who came in with an upset stomach with nausea and vomiting. That in addition to the headaches.

“What headaches” I asked.  Used to be one a week , but lately twice a week, said the mom.  When I asked Anna how bad they were, from a little bit to a whole bunch, she told me they were bad, a whole bunch bad.  With questioning, I discovered that they were one sided, over the temples and they could make her feel sick.  Sounds like migraines to me.

I treated her and then let her go home.  The next day I called the mom to see how Anna was doing.  “I was just about to email you about that” she said.  Anna played outside all yesterday afternoon very happily, and she told me that she feels as light as a balloon.”

That is what I call a good day!

I looked on-line about migraines and children and just about all I could find was how a new drug may help, or how a migraine led to a stroke.  These are extreme examples as I believe that migraines in kids if fairly common.

So yes, children do get migraines and yes, they can be helped.


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