Omega-3 is an essential supplement. At our office, we’re often asked: “Which supplements should I be taking?” Well, everyone is different, so we really need to look at your particular needs but Omega-3 supplement would be, for most, at the top of the list. Why? Because our body doesn’t make it and it’s crucial to … Continue →
Kim Kardashian has psoriasis. It is not supposed to happen to the "beautiful people". But is has happened to Kim and according to the story, and they say it is incurable. Sorry, but I beg to differ. Psoriasis is a symptom in my books, a symptom of an overloaded liver and digestive system. Now the standard medical treatment is corticosteroid creams. Trouble is that it doesn\'t address the cause and actually drives the toxins deeper into the body. Think of the skin as an organ of elimination. And it is. Have you ever worked up a sweat? You are detoxing when you sweat. The main organs of elimination are the kidneys, liver and hence the large intestine. But when you are toxic, for whatever reason, the liver and kidneys fail to detox as well as they should so your body then uses either your lungs and/or your skin to eliminate toxins from your body. Enough said. If you do have problems like Kim, start by avoiding the ...Read More
A short while ago my wife signed us up for automatic delivery of organic vegetables from some neihbouring farms. Every Wednesday they show up and leave in a cooler (in our garage) that week’s bundle of goodies. Now don’t get me wrong, I eat vegetables, but oh baby! , did these guys ever deliver a lot of vegetables. And what do you do? A few days go by and suddenly you realize that there is another delivery of organic vegetables coming soon. Click to read more
CLICK TITLE TO READ ARTICLE Do you feel tired, achy, too drained to enjoy your day? Well, we’ve all heard of the winter blues – but there’s something more serious than just that old expression, and it’s called SAD. This week we’re considering hibernation and how it affects... More..
There is a saying in Law: when one acts as their own lawyer they have a fool for a client. The same can be said about people who act as their own physician. The more your educated, the more you’re aware of your body, and the more knowledgeable you’ll become. However, the expression, “a little … Continue →
Kanata Chiropractic Center has been helping thousands of clients since 1979. We specialize in gentle techniques, eliminating pain, and through Awakening Potentials, healing with unique breakthrough techniques to improve life.
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